Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Sand Fish / H. Scabar Versicolar

White Teat Fish / H. Fuscogilva

Stone  Fish / Actinopyga Lecanora

Golden Sandfish / H. Scabra Versicolar

Black Teat Fish / H. Nobilis
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We are a growing company in Makassar who specialize in produce and export high quality processed sea cucumber like sandfish, White teatfish, Stone fish. We mainly supply to wholesalers, distributors, seafood restaurants mainly in Chinese dominated countries like China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and Malaysia.
Focusing on High Quality Sea Cucumber !
The sea cucumber industry was growing in the late 1990s, Continuous overfishing can affect the sustainability of sea cucumber production. Over exploitation can accelerate destruction or depletion of sea cucumber populations. Based on internal (overfishing) and external (market) factors that influence sea cucumber fishing and farming, new management and technical strategies have been proposed. These are: (1) promoting sustainable use/fishing; (2) restocking and seafarming; (3) introducing regulations on marketable size; and (4) improving post harvest handling and processing.
"It takes tremendous resources to catch the high quality sea cucumber (Trepang) due to small and medium size fishing boat used by local fisherman. We have to work closely with them and provide respective tools and assistance for the catching of high quality SandFish & TeatFish sea cucumber. We have a strict control and practises for handling and post harvest processing. The reason is to maintain the freshness and quality of sea cucumber being exported to our clients in overseas"
Due to the high quality demand from the clients overseas; we mainly export Sandfish (H.Scabra), White Teatfish (H.Fuscogilva) and Stone Fish (Actinopyga Lecanora) sea cucumber directly after post-harvest process.
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Sunday, July 7, 2013

Penelitian untuk mengetahui teripang telah banyak dilakukan di berbagai negara. Hasil penelitian tersebut membuktikan bahwa teripang memiliki kandungan yang sangat membantu penyembuhan berbagai penyakit.
Penelitian yang telah dilakukan antara lain:
1. Penelitian Prof Ridzwan Hashim dari Universitas Kebangsaan Malaysia
Prof Ridzwan Hashim membuktikan teripang menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri Streptococcus pneumoniae, penyebab radang sinusitis. Makhluk liliput itu terhambat pertumbuhannya berkat kandungan phosphate buffered saline (PBS). Selain itu teripang mengandung 9 jenis karbohidrat, 59 jenis lemak, 19 jenis asam amino, 25 komponen vitamin, 10 jenis mineral, dan 5 jenis sterol. Artinya, kandungan gizi teripang amat lengkap dan bersatu-padu membangun kekebalan tubuh serta memberantas bakteri. (Trubus online, 1 Januari 2009)
Prof Dr Ridzwan Hashim menerangkan bahwa teripang mengandung 86% protein yang mudah diuraikan menjadi enzim pepsin. Kandungan protein yang tinggi berperan sebagai immunomodulator aliaspembangun sistem kekebalan tubuh. Protein dan 16 asam amino esensial mujarab dalam meregenerasi sel dan memperkuat hatiuntuk mengeluarkan antibodi, sehingga mempercepat penyembuhan Hepatitis.(Trubus online, 1 Juli 2009)
Prof Dr Ridzwan Hashim juga menerangkan dari86% protein yang dikandung teripang, 80%-nya berupa kolagen. Kolagen merupakan pengikat jaringan dalampertumbuhan tulang dan sendi. Dalam pertumbuhan tulang, suplemen kalsium saja tidak cukup lantaran tulang terdiri dari kalsium fosfat dan kolagen sebagai pengisi. Tanpa kolagen tulang menjadi rapuh dan mudah pecah. Sebaliknya bila tanpa kalsium, tulang akan kenyal seperti karet.(Trubus online, 1 Juni 2009)
2. Riset ilmiah Jaime Rodriguez. Periset dari Fakultas Kimia, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spanyol. 
Jaime Rodriguez mengekstrak 300 teripang dalam pelarut metanol. Dalam uji praklinis, ekstrak teripang aktif membunuh sel heLa (tumor rahim) dan B-18-Fl (melanoma). Senyawa yang berperan adalahglikosida yang bersifat antitumor dan antikanker. Teripang mengandung 0,93 g glikosida. Kandungan glikosida dalam teripang terdiri atas 40 mg holothurinoside A, 9 mg holothurinoside B, 15 mg holothurinoside C, 10 mg holothurinoside D, dan 20 mg holothurin A. Kelima senyawa itulah yang terbukti efektif menggempur tumor.(Trubus online, 1 April 2009)
3. Penelitian Prof Zaiton Hassan dan M A Kaswandi dari Universitas Kebangsaan Malaysia. 
Asam lemak pada teripang Stichopus chloronotus antara lain miristat, palmitat, palmitoleat, stearat, oleat, linoleat, arakhsidat, behenat, erusat, eicosapentaenat (EPA), dan docosahexaenat (DHA). Kedua senyawa terakhir efektif memperbaiki jaringan rusak. Dengan kata lain teripang mengandung zat penumbuh/regenerasi sel. Itu terlihat ketika satwa laut itu terbelah, menyatu kembali, hanya dalam 9-90 hari. (Trubus online, 1 Maret 2009)
4. Riset AM Popov, peneliti di Institut Pasifik untuk Kimia Bioorganik Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Rusia. 
Popov membuktikanteripang berefek sitotoksik alias pembunuh sel kankerberkat kandungan glikosida seperti echinosida A dan B, holotoksin A1, holothurin A dan B, serta curucumariosida G1. Glikosida merupakan senyawa alami yang bersifat antitumor dan antikanker. Kandungan filinopsida A dalam teripang pun ampuh menekan pertumbuhan tumor. Musababnya filinopsida bersifat antiangiogenesis alias mencegah pembentukan pembuluh darah mikro baru. Akibatnya sel tumor gagal berkembang dan mati akibat tak mendapatkan pasokan nutrisi. (Trubus online, 10 Januari 2009)
5. Yun Guang Tong, periset Institut Materia Medika Shanghai
Menurut Yun Guang Tong teripang memang bersifat antikanker. Teripang itu mengandung saponin yang sohor sebagai filinopsida A. Filinopsida A itu ampuh mencegah pembentukan pembuluh darah baru pada sel kanker atau tumor. Jika pembuluh darah baru terhambat, perkembangan sel kanker pun terhambat. Tong menguji praklinis dengan menyuntikkan 2-10 mikroliter filinopsida A pada aorta tikus. Dampaknya pasokan nutrisi bagi sel kanker terhambat dan akhirnya sel mematikan pun mati.(Trubus online, 1 Desember 2008)
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Tubuh teripang memiliki konsentrasi tinggi terhadap fucans, glukosida, sulfat - polipeptida, dan mucopolysaccharides chondrition sulfat. Studi Jepang dan Cina mengungkapkan bahwa teripang juga mengandung saponin (triterpen glikosida). Tes awal pada teripang telah menunjukkan produk yang aman dan efektif untuk pengobatan arthritis dan nyeri otot, dan banyak dari senyawa ini dikenal bermanfaat dalam mencegah dan menyembuhkan arthritis, sebagai anti-koagulan, dan sebagai agen anti-aglutinizing yang berguna dalam pengobatan kanker. Teripang sudah termasuk dalam berbagai perawatan eksklusif untuk kanker, dan juga sebagai bahan utama dalam perawatan arthritis. Untuk itu juga khasiat teripang sangat baik untuk mengobati dan mencegah herpes.
Ekstrak teripang menunjukkan kemampuan anti-virus dan anti-jamur yang kuat. Senyawa bioaktif yang berasal dari teripang sudah dimasukkan ke dalam perawatan untuk HIV dan telah dipatenkan di Eropa dan di Jepang. Penelitian juga telah menunjukkan hasil yang baik sebagai obat untuk pasien HIV / AIDS, menurut laporan Business Wire  4 Februari : "(BW) Hasil awal dari pengobatan penyakit HIV / AIDS Studi di Melbourne Menunjukkan Penelitian Kelautan Sea Cucumber Berdasarkan Produk TBL-12 dinyatakan berdampak positif untuk Pasien". Penelitian Kelautan USA Inc, 80 persen sahamnya dimiliki ABS Group Inc (OTC BB: ADBS - berita) telah menerima dampak positif dari penelitian terhadap pasien HIV / AIDS di Melbourne, Australia yang disponsori oleh AIDS Council Victoria bekerja sama dengan Marinir Penelitian Pty Ltd, ("Marine Pty Ltd") afiliasi Australia yang sepenuhnya dimiliki  Penelitian Kelautan USA.
Translate dari sumber....
[1]“(BW) Initial Results from HIV/AIDS Study in Melbourne Indicates Marine Research Sea Cucumber Based Product TBL-12 Beneficial to Patient Well Being”, BUSINESS WIRE; Wednesday February 4, 8:06 am EST SALT LAKE CITY–(BW HealthWire)–Feb. 4, 1998–Marine Research USA Inc. 
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Teripang / hewan laut filum Echinodermata telah dikenal berbagai bangsa di dunia sejak ratusan tahun. Menurut Departemen Pertanian Amerika Serikat (USDA), teripang memiliki kandungan gizi lengkap, antara lain: 9 jenis karbohidrat, 59 jenis asam lemak, 19 jenis asam amino, 25 komponen vitamin, 10 jenis mineral, dan 5 jenis sterol. 

Kandungan Nutrisi Teripang / Timun Laut (timunlaut-makassar.blogspot.com)

Kandungan Per 100 grams

Kalori 56
                                                                                  % Nilai Harian*
Total Lemak 0.4 g0%
Total Karbohidrat 0 g0%
Protein 13 g26%
Vitamin A6%Kalsium3%
Zat Besi3%

*Persentase nilai harian untuk setiap konsumsi 2000 kalori.

Nilai harian mungkin lebih atau kurang tergantung kebutuhan kalori anda.
Sumber: USDA



Serving Size: 100g or 3.5oz
Total Calories56 kcal234 kJ3%
from Carbs0 kcal0 kJ
from Fat3.6 kcal15.06 kJ
from Protein52 kcal217.57 kJ
from Alcohol0 kcal0 kJ
*The unit "kcal" or kilocalories are what most American's think of as 1 Calorie. Other countries use the unit kilojoule (kJ) to measure Food Energy. 1 kcal is equal to 4.184 kilojoules. 

Energy and Calorie info for 100 grams of Sea cucumber, yane (Alaska Native)

Vitamin Content

Vitamin Content

Serving Size: 100g or 3.5oz
Vitamin A310 IU6%
Vitamin B6~
Vitamin B12~
Vitamin B12, Added~
Vitamin C~
Vitamin D~
Vitamin D2~
Vitamin D3~
Vitamin D (D2 + D3)~
Vitamin E (Alpha-tocopherol)~
Vitamin E, Added~
Vitamin K~
Thiamin0.05 mg3%
Riboflavin0.94 mg55%
Niacin3.2 mg16%
Pantothenic Acid~
Folate, Food~
Folate, DFE~
*Daily Value not established for starred items.
~Data not available for tilde (~) items.
The chart below shows how much of the recommended daily intake (RDI) of each vitamin that 100g (3.53 oz) of Sea cucumber, yane (Alaska Native) contains.Vitamin RDI for 100 grams of Sea cucumber, yane (Alaska Native)

Mineral Content

Mineral Content

Serving Size: 100g or 3.5oz
Calcium30 mg3%
Iron0.6 mg3%
*Daily Value not established for starred items.
~Data not available for tilde (~) items.
The chart below shows how much of the recommended daily intake (RDI) of each mineral that 100g (3.53 oz) of Sea cucumber, yane (Alaska Native) contains.Mineral RDI for 100 grams of Sea cucumber, yane (Alaska Native)

Protein and Amino Acids

Protein & Aminos

Serving Size: 100g or 3.5oz

Essential Aminos


Non-essential Aminos

Methionine + Cystine†~
Phenylalanine + Tyrosine†~
* Amino acid RDI's are based on the World Health Organization's recommended daily intake for an adult human weighing 70 kg (154.3 pounds). "Protein and amino acid requirements in human nutrition". WHO Press, page 150.

† The World Health Organization provides a single recommended daily intake for the combinations of Methionine and Cysteine and the combination of Phenylalanine and Tyrosine.

‡ Arginine, Cystine and Tyrosine are required by infants and growing children and we have therefore included them in the list of essential amino acids. [Imura K, Okada A (1998). "Amino acid metabolism in pediatric patients"]

~Data not available for tilde (~) items.

Carbohydrate Content


Serving Size: 100g or 3.5oz
Total Carbohydrates0g0%
Dietary Fiber~~
~Data not available for tilde (~) items.
100g (3.53 oz) grams of Sea cucumber, yane (Alaska Native) contains 0 grams of carbohydrates which is 0% of your recommended daily carbohydrate intake acording to the Food and Drug Administration guidelines for a 2000 calorie diet. The table below shows how much this food contributes to your recommended daily intake for different total daily calories consumed.

Percent of your daily carbohydrates that 100 grams of Sea cucumber, yane (Alaska Native) contributes 

Fats and Fatty Acids

Fatty Acids & Fat

Serving Size: 100g or 3.5oz
Total Fat0.4g1%
Total Omega-3 Fatty Acids0g
Total Omega-6 Fatty Acids0g
Total Trans Fatty Acids~
Total Trans-monoenoic Fatty Acids~
Total Trans-polyenoic Fatty Acids~

Total Saturated Fats (Bad Fats)

Arachidic Acid   [Eicosanoic Acid]~
Behenic Acid   [Docosanoic Acid]~
Butyric Acid   [Butanoic Acid]~
Capric Acid   [Decanoic Acid]~
Caproic Acid   [Hexanoic Acid]~
Caprylic Acid   [Octanoic Acid]~
Lauric Acid   [Dodecanoic Acid]~
Lignoceric Acid   [Tetracosanoic Acid]~
Margaric Acid   [Heptadecanoic Acid]~
Myristic Acid   [Tetradecanoic Acid]~
Palmitic Acid   [Hexadecanoic Acid]~
Pentadecanoic Acid   [Pentadecanoic Acid]~
Stearic Acid   [Octadecanoic Acid]~
Tridecanoic Acid   [Tridecanoic Acid]~

Total Monounsaturated Fat (Good Fats)

16:1 c~
16:1 t~
18:1 c~
18:1 t~
18:1-11t (18:1t n-7)~
22:1 c~
22:1 t~
Erucic Acid   [Docosenoic Acid]~
Gadoleic Acid   [Eicosenoic Acid]~
Heptadecenoic Acid   [Heptadecenoic Acid]~
Myristoleic Acid   [Tetradecenoic Acid]~
Nervonic Acid   [Cis-Tetracosenoic Acid]~
Oleic Acid   [Octadecenoic Acid]~
Palmitoleic Acid   [Hexadecenoic Acid]~
Pentadecenoic Acid   [Pentadecenoic Acid]~

Total Polyunsaturated Fat (Good Fats)

18:2 CLAs~
18:2 i~
18:2 n-6 c,c~
18:2 t not further defined~
18:2 t,t~
20:3 n-3~
20:3 n-6~
20:4 n-6~
Alpha-Linolenic Acid~
Arachidonic Acid   [Eicosatetraenoic Acid]~
Clupanodonic Acid   [Docosapentaenoic Acid (DPA)]~
Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)   [Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)]~
Eicosadienoic Acid   [Eicosadienoic Acid]~
Eicosatrienoic Acid   [Eicosatrienoic Acid]~
Gamma-Linolenic Acid   [Gamma-Linolenic Acid]~
Linoleic Acid   [Octadecadienoic Acid]~
Linolenic Acid   [Octadecatrienoic Acid]~
Parinaric Acid   [Octadecatetraenoic Acid]~
Timnodonic Acid   [Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA)]~
The common name for each fatty acid is shown with the systematic name in square parentheses.

~Data not available for tilde (~) items.
The chart below shows good fats in Sea cucumber, yane (Alaska Native) in relation to bad fats. Read more about each type of fat and fatty acid below.
Good Fat and Bad Fat comparison for 100 grams of Sea cucumber, yane (Alaska Native)
Polyunsaturated Fats: Polyunsaturated fat can be found mostly in nuts, seeds, fish, algae, leafy greens, and krill. Whole food sources are always best, as processing and heating may damage polyunsaturated fats.

Monounsaturated Fats: Foods containing monounsaturated fats reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol, while possibly increasing HDL (good) cholesterol. ["You Can Control Your Cholesterol: A Guide to Low-Cholesterol Living". Merck & Co. Inc.]

Trans Fatty Acids: The National Academy of Sciences has concluded there is no safe level of trans fat consumption. This is because any incremental increase in trans fat intake increases the risk of coronary heart disease. [Dietary Reference Intakes for Energy, Carbohydrate, Fiber, Fat, Fatty Acids, Cholesterol, Protein, and Amino Acids (Macronutrients). National Academies Press. p. 504]

Saturated Fats: Consumption of saturated fat is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease in the view of the Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation, the American Heart Association, theBritish Heart Foundation, the National Heart Foundation of Australia, the National Heart Foundation of New Zealand and the World Heart Federation.

In children, consumption of monounsaturated oils is associated with healthier serum lipid profiles (a group of tests that are often ordered together to determine risk of coronary heart disease.). ["A cross-sectional study of dietary habits and lipid profiles. The Rivas-Vaciamadrid study". Eur. J. Pediatr.].

Omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil, fish and seafood have been shown to lower the risk of heart attacks. [National Institute of Health (August 1, 2005). "Omega-3 fatty acids, fish oil, alpha-linolenic acid"].

Omega-6 fatty acids in sunflower oil and safflower oil may also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. [Willett WC (September 2007). "The role of dietary n-6 fatty acids in the prevention of cardiovascular disease". Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine].

In one study, Omega-3 fatty acids reduced prostate tumor growth, slowed histopathological progression, and increased survival. [Mihelin M, Trontelj JV, Stålberg E (August 1991). "Muscle fiber recovery functions studied with double pulse stimulation". Muscle & Nerve 1].

A study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute showed that High levels of docosahexaenoic acid were associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer. [Pala V, Krogh V, Muti P, et al. (July 2001). "Erythrocyte membrane fatty acids and subsequent breast cancer: a prospective Italian study". Journal of the National Cancer Institute 93] 

Other Nutrients

Other Nutrients

Serving Size: 100g or 3.5oz
~Data not available for tilde (~) items.

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